This lesson was all about how our bodies move! At first, I was a little worried about explaining how our bodies move to first graders. They surprised me as they explained to me that "our brains tell our bodies to move!" It was so fun to hear their insights and we had a good discussion throughout the lesson about how our bodies can move in different ways to fulfill different purposes as well as in what our bodies can convey by how they move. The dance lesson began with a hello song called "Dem Bones" that we did a skeleton dance to. I thought this was a fun way to tie in Halloween, with the concept of the lesson, while engaging the students. This was a fun activity because it allowed the students to begin thinking about different body parts and movements. The dance element of energy was introduced. My favorite part of the lesson was having the students dance in "La La Looseville" and "Tightville" with a partner mirroring their movements in the other town. It was so fun to see how creative the students got! They moved using axial and loco-motor movements in tight, loose, heavy, and light energies as they danced.
For me this lesson reinforced how knowledgeable the students are. They were so interested in the short biology lesson we had concerning how our bodies move. This will help me in the future to remember to challenge my students and allow them to grow and gain knowledge. Further, it was a important for me to see how self-esteem, confidence, or body image could be discussed in a fun and interactive way. This lesson had so many different lessons that could be incorporated.
This lesson was fun because the students were able to draw upon other dance concepts that were discussed in past lessons such as axial, and loco-motor movement. My hope would be that in the future Ms. Smith can draw upon this lesson as a tool to help with classroom management and behavior as she teaches students the appropriate ways to move their bodies in given situations. In the past I feel as though I have struggled some with classroom management. With the help of my BYU mentors and Ms. Smith, I feel as though I am beginning to grasp the concept and beginning to think of new ways to use the space creatively while maintaining control.
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Full Lesson Plan: