The first music lesson was completed Monday, October 1st! In this lesson, we explored rhythm, and addition within ten. We began by singing "Clickety Clickety Clack" and tapping out the rhythm by moving our finger "trains" on our bodies. The students had so much fun choosing a place where they could move and tap the rhythm. It was so fun to see their creativity in action! The students were so excited to make train noises as we warmed up to begin singing. It was so fun to hear their whistles and chugs as they continued to move as trains throughout the lesson!We then made our own trains and I posed addition problems for the students to consider. We ended by creating our own train addition problems and solving them as a class. The students enjoyed working together in a kinesthetic way why implementing musical elements.
Math has never been a strong suit for me, but I enjoyed teaching math in this new and creative way! I hope that this helps the students and the classroom teacher to see how math can be made fun and how multiple modalities can enrich classroom experiences. This activity allowed me to realize how important it is that students enjoy what they are doing. I believe that students work and understand best when they are able to experience concepts first-hand in a meaningful way. I hope that I can implement this kind of teaching in a classroom of my own in the future.
I again had the privilege of being observed by a mentor this time, who gave me excellent advice to help the lessons run smoothly. My mentor helped me to refine my management skills again which has already helped me to improve in future lessons. Ms. Smith was also able to give me feedback as to how the students best understand instructions. These suggestions have been implemented and have enriched the comprehension which has occurred since.
Link to Videos of Students as Trains:
Official Lesson Plans:
Until next time!!